the Panic Status Board is here!

Last year in June I wrote about the concept of a ubiquitous status display of the business in every office. Especially for development and operations it’s pretty important to have important measurements, status codes and project information in front of them all the time.

Back then I already wrote about the Panic status board which gives a great looking example of a status display. Now there is a software from the company Panic which offers anyone the ability to create such a status board. It’s for iOS and looks awesome!

Bildschirmfoto 2013-05-04 um 19.56.56

Source 1: Mirror, Mirror on the wallSource 2:

How many space missions are exploring our solar system right now?

The number is 27!

CC-BY-SA Olaf Frohn

Right now there are 27 different missions ongoing to explore our solar system. A high number for something that is not part of our daily news cycle. Those missions currently concentrate on the sun, mars, mercury, venus, the earth moon and some asteriods.
