The internet and all those browsers and javascript applications brought data structures that are pretty straight-forward. One of them is JSON.
The wikipedia tells about JSON:
“JSON (/ˈdʒeɪsɒn/ JAY-soun, /ˈdʒeɪsən/ JAY-son), or JavaScript Object Notation, is an open standard format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs. It is used primarily to transmit data between a server and web application, as an alternative to XML.”
Unfortunately complex JSON can get a bit heavy on the structure itself with over and over repetitions of data-schemes and ids.
There’s RJSON to the rescue on this. It’s backwards compatible and makes your JSON more compressible:
“RJSON converts any JSON data collection into more compact recursive form. Compressed data is still JSON and can be parsed with JSON.parse
. RJSON can compress not only homogeneous collections, but also any data sets with free structure.
RJSON is single-pass stream compressor, it extracts data schemes from document, assign each schema unique number and use this number instead of repeating same property names again and again.”
Of course this is all open-source and you can get your hands dirty here.
Source 1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON
Source 2: http://www.cliws.com/e/06pogA9VwXylo_GknPEeFA/
Source 3: https://github.com/dogada/RJSON