Japan November 2019: Day 20
Japan November 2019: Day 19
Hack-the-Planet Podcast: Episode 15
Japan November 2019: Day 18
Japan November 2019: Day 17
Japan November 2019: Day 16
Japan November 2019: Day 15
Japan November 2019: Day 14
Japan November 2019: Day 13
Japan November 2019: Day 12
Japan November 2019: Day 11
iPhone 11 Pro battery is…
…quite amazing.
I’ve upgraded just before the Japan travelling to the current iPhone generation. I was expecting some improved battery life but I did not dare to think I would get THIS.
I’ve taken the last 3 generations of iPhones on trips to Japan and they all went through the same exercises and quite comparable day schedules.
The amount of navigation, screen-time, taking pictures and just browsing the web / translating led to all 3 previous generations to be out-of-juice just around half-day.
Not this generation. Apparently something has changed. Not really in terms of screen time – screen on-time got better, but not as great as the overall usage time of the device with screen off.
In regards of how much power and runtime I am getting out of the device without having to reach for a batter pack or power supply is astonishing. I am using my Apple Watch for navigation clues so I am not really reaching out for the phone for that. But that means the phone is constantly used otherwise to make pictures, payments, translations….
I am comfortably leaving all battery packs and chargers at home when all the time before I was charging the phones at lunchtime for the first time. I usually had to charge 2 times a day to get through.
With this generations iPhone 11 Pro I am getting through the whole day and reach the hotel just before getting down to 20%.
I am still using it all throughout the day. But this is such a relief that I am confidently getting through a full day of fun. Thumbs up Apple!
approaching Chaos – celebrate Afflux
The 50th Day of the Season of The Aftermath. The Fluxday marking the approach of the Season of Chaos.
Chaos (season)
Hack-the-Planet Podcast: Episode 14
Japan November 2019: Day 10
Japan November 2019: Day 9
Japan November 2019: Day 8
Japan November 2019: Day 7
Japan November 2019: Day 6
Hack-the-Planet Podcast: Episode 13
Japan November 2019: Day 4
Japan November 2019: Day 3
Japan November 2019: Day 2
Hack-The-Planet Podcast: Episode 12
…and the heart beats faster.
OpenFood Facts

To replace MyFitnessPal in our toolchain I am on the hunt for at least some quality food fact data.
The Open Food Facts data base seems to be one source – although in sparse and questionable quality (after first initial testing).
There is a comprehensive documentation about the fields of data supported. And there are several formats that the raw data can be downloaded in.
There are ready-made applications available as well. Definitly worth looking into further.
smart OpenVPN client for iOS
There is a free and well integrated OpenVPN client for iOS devices already. And as much as this one works quite well it’s also lacking some comfort features that are now made available through alternative iOS client implementations of OpenVPN.
OpenVPN is an open-source commercial software that implements virtual private network techniques to create secure point-to-point or site-to-site connections in routed or bridged configurations and remote access facilities. It uses a custom security protocol that utilizes SSL/TLS for key exchange.
Meet Passepartout. The iOS OpenVPN client that comes with lots of comfort features. Of main interest for me is that Passepartout is aware of the connection you’re currently using and can adopt it’s VPN tunnel status accordingly.
Passepartout is a smart OpenVPN client perfectly integrated with the iOS platform. Passepartout is the only app you need for both well-known OpenVPN providers and your personal OpenVPN servers.
The 27th Day of the Season of The Aftermath, aka The Day of the Sloth.
How long does it take a MegaDrive to calculate a MD5 hash collision?
Hack-The-Planet Podcast: Episode 11
Hack-The-Planet Podcast: Episode 10
- SwiftUI lernen: https://developer.apple.com/tutorials/swiftui/resources
- Android Studio: https://developer.android.com/studio
- PushOver DDoS: https://blog.pushover.net/posts/2019/10/october-24-25-ddos-attack
- DDoS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack
- Android API Level: https://source.android.com/setup/start/build-numbers
- Streamsheets: https://cedalo.com/produkt/
- Streamsheets Docker: https://hub.docker.com/r/cedalo/streamsheets-installer
- Hörer Fabian startet mit Node-Red: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMgIa0l_ukQ
- Xerox scanners/photocopiers randomly alter numbers in scanned documents: http://www.dkriesel.com/en/blog/2013/0802_xerox-workcentres_are_switching_written_numbers_when_scanning
- EzControl XS1: http://www.ezcontrol.de/content/view/36/28/
- FS20: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funksysteme_zur_Geb%C3%A4udeautomatisierung
- ELV MAX: https://de.elv.com/technik-fuer-ihr-zuhause/heizungssteuerung/systemuebersicht-heizkoerperthermostate/max-funk-heizungsregler-system/
- ELV MAX Library: https://github.com/bietiekay/MAXSharp
- SDR Wettersensor: https://www.kompf.de/weather/rtlsdrsensor.html
- NodeRed: https://nodered.org/
- Höhere Gehälter für IT Experten https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Oeffentlicher-Dienst-Bundestag-beschliesst-Zulagen-und-Praemien-fuer-IT-Experten-4569784.html
- Ice Lake CPU: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_Lake_(microprocessor)
- USB-C: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB-C
- Quickcharge 3 für Arduino: https://www.schrankmonster.de/2019/09/18/quickcharge-3-qc3-enable-your-arduino-project/
- Android Espresso: https://developer.android.com/training/testing/espresso
- JUnit: https://junit.org/junit5/
- WebBrowser UI Testing: https://www.seleniumhq.org/
- Appium: http://appium.io/
- Visual Studio 2019: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/devops/changes-to-coded-ui-test-in-visual-studio-2019/
- Elite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elite_(video_game)
- Elite Dangerous: https://www.elitedangerous.com/
- Galaxie: Milchstraße: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milchstra%C3%9Fe
- Trappist-1 System: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trappist-1
- Elite Dangerous VR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fa0b2Kd2xhU
- IPv6 https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6
- IPv4 https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv4
- Carrier grade NAT https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrier-grade_NAT
- NAT64 https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/NAT64
- aText Mac: https://www.trankynam.com/atext/
- Autohotkey Windows: https://www.autohotkey.com/
Understand Maladay
Boomtime 5 Aftermath: The Apostle Malaclypse the Elder’s Holyday. A wandering Wiseman of Ancient Mediterrania (“Med-Terra” or middle earth), who followed a 5-pointed Star through the alleys of Rome, Damascus, Baghdad, Jerusalem, Mecca and Cairo, bearing a sign that seemed to read “DOOM”. (This is a misunderstanding. The sign actually read “DUMB”.)